The workforce is the heartbeat of any organisation.
Nurture it well and you will be rewarded with an abundance of productivity, creativity and loyalty.
Our fast paced work environments can often lead to anxiety, stress and conflict for an individual, making it an unhealthy environment to remain in for any length of time, sometimes resulting in absenteeism due to ill health. Often these periods are extended, or an employee returns to work when they are still unwell. Both scenarios pose problems for the individual concerned, their colleagues and your business overall. Wouldn’t it be an advantage if your staff had the skill set to cope with high pressured environments without getting sick?
Wellbeing starts with the mind. Growth, ambition and leadership blossom in those with a calm, balanced and focussed mind. This mind set is something that can be learned by your employees and my empowering meditation courses will inspire them to set their intention and realise their goals.
Other wellbeing activites may offer relaxation or physical fitness, but meditation and mindfulness start with the mind, creating a long term impact on an individual that will pervade their whole life and make other activities more effective. Ultimately, if an individual is happier in their life, they will be happier at work and this has a direct impact on their performance. The skills I teach are skills for life, and will change the way that your employees react to pressure, increase their resilience and enhance their natural confidence.
Meditation is also proven to reduce anxiety and stress, thus making the individual far more effective in their role, able to concentrate for longer periods of time and be more productive. An appreciation of the present moment enables us to manage our time far more efficiently, with an attitude that is highly conducive to team work and client facing roles.
Whether you have an existing wellness programme and wish to complement it with an element directly relating to emotional health and wellbeing, or you wish to establish an entirely new programme, my courses and packages can be designed to suit your business.
“Before the session I was excited to see what it would be like meditating in the office. After the session I felt revived and relaxed.”

Q: We are keen to establish or expand our wellbeing programme. Is it really a good investment to have staff sitting and doing nothing, especially when they are already pushed for time?
The benefits of a regular meditation practice can easily culminate in increased efficiency of your staff. This is because they will cultivate an awareness of their time, and their time management and performance are enhanced as a result. Studies have also shown that those who regularly meditate are better able to respond to what can be perceived as stressful situations, for example deadlines or demanding clients. A calmer mind is also more productive than a rushing, busy mind.
Q: Our staff may not wish to take their shoes off, close their eyes or lie on a mat in a room full of their colleagues. Does that make them unsuitable candidates for your programmes?
Absolutely not. Meditation can be done fully clothed and seated in a chair, and props and furniture can be arranged to ensure that every participant has their own element of privacy.
Q: We do not have very much space at our premises, and boardrooms are often busy. Can we still hold programmes and classes for our employees?
Yes. A session can take place in any room that can accommodate participants in a seated or lying down position. In addition, we can identify space that is close to your office for sessions to be held at, depending on your location. It is worth remembering that the overall advantages of running a programme for your employees will impact your organisation as a whole, and will outweigh any perceived disadvantage of having a boardroom allocated for this purpose for a limited time each week/month.
Q: Won’t a session during the working day disrupt employee’s work patterns?
Sessions are held during the working day in order for the activity to be perceived as a real benefit for participants. Your employee will feel valued because you are investing in them in this way, and not encroaching on their rest breaks or own time before or after work. Participants report feeling highly focussed and productive after a session. Further, meditation is known to inspire creativity.
Q: Will participants need to bring equipment and a change of clothes?
No, everything is provided and there is no need for a change of clothing. Participants are simply invited to wear loose fitting clothes if at all possible, for their comfort. However, those who have completed sessions in tailored suits have not found any difficulty with that.
Q: Won’t staff feel drowsy and unable to continue with work afterwards?
Meditation is often referred to as the ‘new caffeine’ as it is shown to increase mental clarity and motivation. It decreases adrenaline and allows the body to recover from the effects of chemicals which are stimulated in our brains in high pressure environments. These chemicals often lead to people living in a constant state of low level anxiety, something which meditation has been proven to overcome.
Q: Which is the best package, course or programme for my organisation?
There is no set formula for everyone and we are happy to discuss your particular needs, based on your workforce. Bespoke programmes can be designed with you in mind, whatever your budget. It is worth noting that in order for participants to incorporate this into their everyday lives, a short introductory course would be highly beneficial, as meditation is a skill that can be learned over a relatively short period of time. This can then be ‘topped up’ with stand-alone sessions in the future and packages can be purchased to accommodate this according to your needs and your budget.